
ctrl + j shows all shortcuts.
ctrl + i implement parent class methods
ctrl + o override parent class methods
alt + F12 toggle between terminal and code
ctrl + Y delete line without send it to a buffer.
ctrl + ` change look and feel
ctrl + alt + -/+ folding/expand recursively (
ctrl + shift + -/+ fold/expand all
order: ctrl + shift + alt + key

ctrl + shift + f6 rename variable, file...

ctrl + N open class
ctrl + shift + N open file
ctrl + shift + t open test
ctrl + shift + F10 run test
ctrl + shift + F12 hide all windows

alt+f1 from source to file in project tree
ctrl+ alt + f1 open file in explorer

ctrl + + 3 points expand
ctrl + - 3 points hide

open files:
2*shift search everywhere
alt+1 open project view
ctrl+shift+n open a file by name
ctrl+e open recent files
alt+home open navigation bar

\nd\(\$ поиск d(

ctrl shiift f7 place caret on rerturn and hightlight all return in the method
ctrl + shift +enter add ) to the end. example: write flush( $user and it's add );
mouse + alt column selection
ctrl+click on open file tab show path to this file. clickable.
surround code with code snippet ctrl alt t

live templates: code generation shortcuts:
prism + tab equal to private static function (){} click tab to go next
fore foreach

alt+ insert in code for code generator

alt + home navigation bar
alt + insert create file

flt+6 view todos
filter todos: pattern: \btodo Maarten\b.* then «add filter»
F11 add code to bookmarks
shift+F11 boormarks preview
alt+f7 find all undermouse selected object usages
Ctrl+Shift+F7 (Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File)
Use F3 and Shift+F3 keys to navigate through highlighted usages. variable, word under caret.

ctrl+F12 show class methods: F4 to go or Enter

ctrl+shift+delete выделение перед тегом чтобы удалить пару

ctrl + b find declaration
alt + enter to expand error/notice menu on code alert in code
cmd + n in code allow to refactor entire this class code
alt shift + rows up/down move selected code up and down
cmd+ n insert new file
cmd shift + rows up/down move current control structure up and down respectively
cmd + up row go to file hirerarchy
cmd down row go to this lvl in file explorer
cmd alt l apply code refactor
fn+shift+backspace delete all string

ctrl alt v рефакторинг переменной
ctrl p параметры функции
ctrl w выбор слова потом выше
ctrl + backspace delete word before
ctrl + delete delete word forward
ctrl e переход по всем недавно открытым файлам
esc return from ady sub window to edit window
ctrl f4 close tab
alt left/right walk tabs
windows + tab write tag name and make pare
ctrl + q quick docs
ctrl + p view parameter info
ctrl + b navigate declaration
ctrl + shift + backspace last edit place
ctrl + up/down move code
ctrl + shift move current
ctrl + shift + i quick image
alt+enter add not empty isset phpdocs else
ctrl + click show file path
shift + del delete string
alt + click on tab close: close all except this
ctrl + alt + L reformat code
alt + click move mouse for select
alt + q фокус на элементе и верхний элемент показывает
ctrl + -/+ сворачивание уровня тегов
ctrl + p function param

ctrl + shift + alt + t refactor abilities
ctrl alt v рефакторинг переменной
ctrl p параметры функции
ctrl w выбор слова потом выше
ctrl e переход по всем недавно открытым файлам
esc return from ady sub window to edit window
ctrl f4 close tab
alt left/right walk tabs
windows + tab write tag name and make pare
ctrl + q quick docs
ctrl + p view parameter info
ctrl + b navigate declaration
ctrl + shift + backspace last edit place
alt + shift + c show list of last edit palces whith time
ctrl + up/down move code
ctrl + shift + up/down move current
ctrl + shift + v last copy history

ctrl + B find object instantiate
ctrl + f12 functions of class
ctrl + alt + t wrap selected text with tag
ctrl + alt + j surround with a live template
ctrl + -/+ hide/expand

ctrl shift f7 edit | find | hightlight usages in file
f3, shift f3 navigate through highlighted usages.
esc remove hightlights

Shift+Escape moves the focus to the editor and also hides the current (or last active) tool window.
The F12 key moves the focus from the editor to the last focused tool window.

ctrl alt shift n find method by name

ctrl + B find object instantiate
ctrl + q show description
ctrl + w select this element, ..
ctrl + f12 functions of class
ctrl + alt + t wrap selected text with tag
ctrl + -/+ hide/expand
ctrl+ shift + backspace go to last edit place

ctrl + g go to line

alt+9 local history


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debian, ubuntu 13.10 xrdp