js.. what can I say more?
typeof null == 'object'
typeof null === 'object'
* let var = var2 ?? 'default_if_null';
* obj.mayNotExistFunc?.() - same as obj1?.obj2?.param1
obj1.mayNotExistArray?.[0] - check if it's non undefined and it's array
* script defer - stay in header before dom elements used in script anbd it's work - no need to put it in the end of dom.
src: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2tJ3nzXh8I&t=51&ab_channel=WebDevSimplified
* console.log("%c blabla %c blabla2", "color:red", "color:green");
todo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJDofSGTSPQ&t=562s&ab_channel=WebDevSimplified
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