
Сообщения за декабрь, 2013

ubuntu merge partitions

start GParted from live cd you can merge only partitions that directly follow each other

iterative improvement

first do it. then do it right. then do it better. src  http://updates.html5rocks.com/2013/11/The-Landscape-Of-Front-end-Development-Automation-Slides

setup yii2 environment with yii2-advanced and mongodb ext

1. app-adv alpha 2. replace yii2/yii from current git new way: use composer.json from f-a2.com dir

ubuntu chrome cant save profile

Quit Google Chrome. sudo pkill 'chrome' Open a shell. Change directory (cd) to ~/.config/google-chrome/Default Delete the file named “Web Data”: rm -rf Web\ Data; Start Google Chrome and the error should be gone.